What is the treatment process of fertilizer dryer in fertilizer production line

 With the development of economy, the agricultural industry is also developing, driving the development of some agricultural equipment. Dryer of organic fertilizer production line is one of them. The rotary drum dryer has reasonable design, excellent production performance, advanced technology, high output and small floor area. The technology and adaptability of the dryer for bio organic fertilizer have been improved continuously.

The dryer using electricity as fuel has environmental protection technology. The smaller it is, the more uniform it is. It’s a better dryer. Fuel makes the fuel fuller and the dry material better. But in this case, the cost of fuel will increase. Therefore, some customers add the quality of this kind of coal to some inferior coal, which may reduce the investment cost. However, in this case, the temperature in the machine will fluctuate and uneven, which will affect the quality of dry materials and achieve the expected effect, so it is not worth paying the price.

But we have to add inferior coal. Experts said that some inferior coal can be added to high-quality coal, but not too much, so the consequences are not obvious, saving fuel costs. Therefore, using coal as fuel drying equipment, the correct use of coal will produce unexpected results.

Rotary drum dryer is a kind of special drying equipment with high moisture, high viscosity, high water holding capacity and low calorific value specially developed and designed for the NPK fertilizer manufacturing process. The internal structure of the dryer is specially designed, which not only improves the thermal efficiency.In general, the equipment has the advantages of simple process design, low investment and operation cost, and it is more suitable for users who need long-term storage of granules after processing by rotary drum granulator.

Increasing the inlet air temperature of the dryer is conducive to improving the thermal efficiency of the dryer, and the inlet air temperature is limited by the allowable temperature of the product. In the parallel flow particle suspension dryer, the surface temperature of the particles is low, so the air inlet temperature of the drying equipment can be much higher than the allowable temperature of the product.

Why is the production line technology of humic acid organic fertilizer popular in agriculture?

Nowadays, the fertilizer market is booming, and the types of products are increasing, which can meet the needs of more kinds of crops, and the fertilizer containing humic acid is more popular. The application of humic acid organic fertilizer manufacturing process is more and more. So what is humic acid and what is its effect? The following organic fertilizer equipment manufacturers will give you a brief explanation.

Humic acid is a kind of mixture of natural organic macromolecular compounds, which is widely distributed. The existence of humic acid elements in soil accounts for a large proportion. Generally speaking, humic acid is a kind of organic matter produced and accumulated by the remains of animals and plants, mainly plant remains, through the decomposition and transformation of microorganisms and a series of geochemical processes. In the fertilizer industry, manure, straw, mushroom residue and other organic wastes are fermented and thrown by compost turning machine, and the compost contains humic acid.

Effect of humic acid

The fertilizer contains humic acid, which can help crops grow well and provide a solid guarantee for high yield. For the soil, it can improve the soil pH and make the soil have better structure. In addition, the use of humic acid can enhance the activities of various enzymes, so that crops can better absorb water and nutrients, so that crops can grow faster and have higher quality. In addition, humic acid has good drought resistance, disease resistance, low temperature resistance and salt tolerance.

In addition, humic acid has the following five functions in agricultural application

1. Soil improvement, fertilizer efficiency, growth promotion, stress resistance and quality improvement.

2. Drought resistant agent, growth regulator, pesticide sustained-release synergist, chemical element complexing agent.

3. Low carbon, ecological and high quality.

4. The fertilizer utilization rate is high, the crop yield is high, the fertilization frequency is less, and the harmful gas emission is less.

5. Fertilizer synergist, soil regulator and Rhizosphere growth promoter.

In addition to processing humic acid, organic fertilizer production line can also add some chemical fertilizers, which are used in the manufacturing of npk fertilizer, processing sludge, sheep manure, cow manure, earthworm manure, bentonite, grass charcoal and so on.

The process flow and equipment price of chicken manure organic fertilizer production line

The process flow of chicken manure organic fertilizer production line mainly includes the following steps:

Raw material pre-treatment: Firstly, the collected chicken manure is pretreated, including steps such as crushing and stirring, to achieve a suitable state for subsequent fermentation.

Fermentation and maturation: Mix the pre treated chicken manure with an appropriate amount of straw, cow manure, and other organic materials, and then stack for fermentation. This process generates a large amount of thermal energy, promoting the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, and decomposing and transforming organic matter.

Screening and impurity removal: After fermentation is completed, the decomposed organic fertilizer is screened to remove impurities and incompletely decomposed large blocks of material.

Granulation molding: The screened material is fed into an organic fertilizer pelletizer, and is compressed and shaped to form granular fertilizers of a certain size and shape.

Drying and drying: The wet material after granulation needs to be dried to reduce its moisture content and improve storage, transportation, and usage efficiency.

Cooling screening: The dried organic fertilizer needs to be cooled, and then qualified particles are screened out through an organic fertilizer screening machine to remove unqualified materials.

Packaging and storage: Finally, the qualified organic fertilizer is packaged and stored for sale or use.

This process can be adjusted and optimized according to actual needs and conditions to improve production efficiency and product quality.

In terms of price, the quotation for the entire set of organic fertilizer production equipment depends on factors such as the specific configuration,production capacity, technical standards, and supplier quotation of the aforementioned equipment. Here is a rough price range:

Small production line: may cost around 100000 to 1 million RMB.

Medium size production line: may be around 1 million to 5 million RMB.

Large scale production line: may cost over 5 million RMB.

These prices are for reference only, and actual prices need to be inquired from suppliers based on specific needs and market conditions. It is recommended to contact multiple suppliers for detailed quotations, and consider the cost-effectiveness, quality, after-sales service, and supplier reputation of the equipment.

The treatment method for the malfunction of organic fertilizer composting machine’s fermentation waste

In the process of continuous improvement of technology and organic fertilizer manufacturing process, the production performance of many equipment has also been widely improved. However, no matter what the new upgraded equipment is, some small problems will inevitably appear in the process of its application. So here we share with you how to maintain and deal with the compost dumper when it breaks down. Next, let’s take a look.

First of all, what we need to remind everyone here is that generally for this type of equipment, its structure and other aspects are relatively complex, and its components are many, so even if some of the same failures occur, the causes may be different. . Therefore, we need to pay attention to careful and comprehensive inspections in the process of troubleshooting to ensure accurate and reasonable solutions. In addition, in order to reduce the failure rate of the compost turning machine, it is necessary to pay attention to the maintenance and maintenance before usual use to extend the overall service life of the organic fertilizer equipment.

In addition, there is another point, that is, in order to reduce the probability of equipment failure, in the process of using, some matters need to be paid attention to. This is mainly because if you don’t pay attention to it, it may lead to failure, thus affecting the processing effect. For example, the pH value of the material to be treated should be between 6 and 9. Partial acid or alkali will affect the normal fermentation of biological fertilizer.

In the process of using the compost turning equipment, we should make rational use of it, so as to reduce the occurrence of failure.

How to choose a screening machine during the granulation process of fertilizer production line

Selection of fertilizer screening machine

The selection of screening machinery and equipment is a more troublesome process, but in fact, as long as we have a good understanding in advance, it is not difficult to select the drum screening machine suitable for NPK fertilizer manufacturing process.

As long as the characteristics of their own materials, dry and wet degree, screening accuracy and proportion of materials to do a good understanding, you can master a good method. Here is a brief introduction to the selection of this screening machine in the procurement.

Take chemical fertilizer as an example, there are many kinds of chemical fertilizer, with different material characteristics, such as particle size, powder size, viscosity, non viscosity, etc., so there are many kinds of vibration screening machines for chemical fertilizer screening. For example, the large particle urea screen is not only a fine screening machine, but also can be called plane reciprocating screen, fertilizer grading screen, etc. generally, the most commonly used screening machines for fertilizer are fine screening machine, drum screening machine, linear vibrating screen, etc.
Fertilizer drum screening machine

Rotary drum screener is mainly used for the screening and grading of chemical large-particle urea, powdered materials in feed mills, or pellet feed. It can also be used for the primary cleaning of raw materials in feed mills and the grading of intermediate products after secondary crushing in large and medium feed mills. Moreover, in the fertilizer manufacturing process, the granules processed by the NPK fertilizer granulator can also be accurately screened.

In addition, the rotary drum screening machine can also be widely used in the screening and grading of raw materials and finished products in various industries such as grain, food, chemical, sugar, mining, and papermaking.

The process of an organic fertilizer production line with an annual output of 10000 tons of pig manure

The fertilizer production line with an annual output of 10000 tons of pig manure organic fertilizer involves multiple steps, from raw material collection to final product packaging and storage. The following is a typical organic fertilizer production process:

Raw material collection: Collect fresh pig manure to ensure that the quality and quantity of raw materials meet production needs.

Raw material pretreatment: Remove large impurities and non degradable substances from pig manure.

Crushing: Use an organic fertilizer crusher to crush pig manure into smaller particles to increase surface area and promote subsequent fermentation processes.

Mixing: Mix the crushed pig manure with necessary additives (such as sawdust, straw, etc.) and microbial agents to adjust the carbon nitrogen ratio and provide the necessary nutrients for microorganisms.

Fermentation: Put the mixed materials into the fermentation facility for a period of aerobic or anaerobic fermentation. Regular flipping may be necessary during the fermentation process to ensure even fermentation.

Flipping: Using an organic fertilizer flipping machine to flip fermented materials, providing oxygen, promoting microbial activity, and accelerating organic matter decomposition.

Aging: The fermented material needs to undergo a period of aging to stabilize the quality and effectiveness of the fertilizer.

Granulation: The fermented and aged materials are granulated through an organic fertilizer granulation mechanism to improve the physical properties and ease of use of the fertilizer.

Drying: Use a dryer to dry wet particles, reducing moisture content to a level suitable for storage and use.

Cooling: The dried hot particles are cooled by a cooling machine to ensure the quality and safety of the fertilizer.

Screening: Use a screening machine to screen particles, ensuring uniform particle size and removing particles that do not meet specifications.

Packaging: Weigh and package qualified granular fertilizers through an automatic packaging machine to form the final product.

The entire production process requires precise control to ensure the quality of the final product. The design and configuration of production lines should take into account production efficiency, cost-effectiveness, environmental impact, and market demand. In actual production, it may be necessary to adjust and optimize the process according to specific circumstances.

Equipment installation precautions for small-scale organic fertilizer production lines

 In the fertilizer production equipment installation and maintenance, as long as the mechanical products are required to check and maintain regularly, otherwise it will certainly reduce the life of the machine, and will bring a lot of hidden dangers. So whether it’s manufacturing of npk fertilizer or organic fertilizer production, don’t be afraid of trouble, and don’t be afraid to spend money in maintenance. Don’t save trouble now, it will come and go.

The maintenance of the machine is an important and regular work. It should be closely coordinated with its operation and overhaul. There should be full-time personnel on duty for inspection. The details of the installation and maintenance of the organic fertilizer production line equipment are as follows.

Installation and test run

1. The equipment of the organic fertilizer production line should be installed on a horizontal concrete foundation and fixed with anchor bolts.

2. Pay attention to the verticality between the main body and the horizontal when installing.

3. After installation, check whether the bolts of each part of the machine are loose and whether the door of the main engine is fastened, if so, please tighten it.

4. Configure the power cord and control switch according to the power of the equipment.

5. After the inspection of the organic fertilizer production line is completed, a no-load test run is carried out, and the test run is normal and production can begin.

Organic fertilizer stacker can promote environmental protection in aquaculture farms

In recent years, the large-scale application of chemical fertilizers has severely damaged the soil structure and affected the yield and quality of agricultural products. The organic fertilizer manufacturing process processes cow dung, and the organic fertilizer produced by the fermentation compost turning machine can improve the damaged soil structure, improve the quality of agricultural products, and protect the ecological environment.
Introduction of cattle manure fermentation turner

Compost turning machine can transform cow manure, agricultural waste, domestic garbage sludge and other wastes into organic fertilizer to improve soil properties. The advanced fermentation technology of cattle manure composting dumper is microbial aerobic fermentation. The compost turner is designed according to the principle of aerobic fermentation, so that the fermentation bacteria can give full play to its function.

If the compost pile is too high, anaerobic state will be formed in the compost pile, so that the function of fermentation bacteria can not be fully played, which will affect the quality of fertilizer and its production. The equipment can be used with solar fermentation chamber, fermentation tank and moving machine, and can realize the function of one machine with multiple tanks. After fermentation, the compost was processed by NPK fertilizer granulator.Technological process of cattle manure compost turning machine

Chicken manure, pig manure, cow manure, sludge, straw, crop straw, leaves, weeds, sawdust, distiller’s grains, furfural residue and other organic wastes were used as raw materials. The moisture content of raw materials should be controlled at about 70%. If there is less moisture in raw materials, it should be watered thoroughly to ensure proper moisture content.

After 24 hours composting, the temperature in the pile can reach 50 ℃ or so, and it can rise to 70 ℃ in 48 hours. When the temperature reaches 70 ℃, it starts to be thrown once. After several days of continuous high temperature composting, the pile temperature gradually decreases. About two weeks, the raw materials are all rotten, the insect eggs, grass seeds and pathogenic bacteria in the raw materials are all killed, and the straw turns brown or dark brown Collapse 1 / 3 or 1 / 2.

The raw material after fermentation is soft and elastic, and it is brittle and easy to break when dry. At this time, the fermentation process of straw and other raw materials is completed.

What equipment is included in the complete set of chicken manure organic fertilizer equipment

What equipment is included in the complete set of chicken manure organic fertilizer equipment

The complete set of chicken manure organic fertilizer equipment usually includes the following main parts:

Chicken manure collection and pretreatment system: This system is responsible for collecting chicken manure and performing preliminary processing, such as removing large foreign objects, crushing chicken manure, etc., for subsequent processing.

Fermentation system: Chicken manure contains high levels of nitrogen and other nutrients, but may also contain pathogens and weed seeds. The fermentation system can promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms, decompose organic matter, kill pathogens and weed seeds, and convert them into stable organic fertilizers by controlling temperature, humidity, and ventilation.

Drying and screening system: Fermented chicken manure usually contains high moisture content, which needs to be reduced through drying equipment to achieve a level suitable for storage and use. Screening equipment is used to remove impurities from fertilizers and ensure product quality.

Granulation system: In order to facilitate packaging, transportation, and use, organic fertilizers are usually granulated. The granulation system can compress the dried and sieved powdered organic fertilizer into granules.

Cooling and packaging system: The temperature of the organic fertilizer after granulation is high, and it needs to be lowered through cooling equipment, and then packaged through packaging equipment for easy storage and sales.

Deodorization system: During the entire treatment process, chicken manure may produce a foul odor, affecting the environment and the health of workers. Therefore, a deodorization system is essential as it can reduce or eliminate odors through chemical or biological methods.

Automation control system: Modern organic fertilizer production equipment is usually equipped with an automation control system, which is used to monitor and adjust the parameters of each processing link, ensuring the smooth progress of the production process and the stability of product quality.

The specific configuration and scale of these devices may vary depending on factors such as production needs, budget, and technological level. When purchasing or customizing a complete set of equipment, it is recommended to consult the supplier or manufacturer in detail to ensure that the equipment can meet your specific needs.

The appropriate use of fermentation agents for organic fertilizer composting with a composting machine

 Scientific and reasonable fermentation can promote disease resistant organic matter. In the fermentation process of organic fertilizer manufacturing process, with a large number of microorganisms breeding and a series of complex biochemical reactions, microorganisms produce a large number of specific metabolites in the breeding process, such as hormones, antibiotics and autoimmune substances, which can promote the rapid growth and development of crops and inhibit the spread of soil diseases, Improve the ability of resistance to disease and adversity of crops. The organic fertilizer without fermentation not only has no above characteristics, because the virus bacteria carried by itself also become the main origin of crop diseases.

The following organic fertilizer and NPK fertilizer manufacturing process manufacturers introduce the use of fermentation dumper process precautions, I hope to help you.

Organic fertilizer raw material processing and fermentation skills:

(1) Fermentation with weeds and crop straw (it can be decomposed in about 25 days)

It can be adjusted by crushing or chopping weeds and crop stalks (generally 3-5cm in length) with 40% fecal water or biogas slurry; it can also be adjusted by 2% urea (46% nitrogen content) or compound fertilizer with equal nitrogen content; it can also be adjusted by adding fresh livestock manure in the weight ratio of 3:1-4:1. The compost turner will treat the ferment on time.

(2) Fermentation with pure feces (it will decompose in about 20 days):

It is advisable to add crushed (chopped) weeds and crop straws for fermentation, and adjust the compost moisture to about 60%. The commonly used weight ratio is 3:14:1 for adjusting fermentation. Then the fermentation compost turning machine mixes the materials during the turning and throwing process.

(3) Fermentation with manure (it will decompose in about 15 days):

After expanding the volume of the strains, evenly remove a layer in the pen, stir it, and stack it directly on the fermentation platform. Repeat the operation. If the water content is too large, add an appropriate amount of crushed to the pen. Dry auxiliary materials to be adjusted.